When I used to travel a lot for work, I discovered that I loved long drives no matter what time of the day, no matter the condition. I have to admit however that some conditions were less desirable than others to say the least. Over the months I collected tons of videos of these travels mainly of what I was listening to and occasionally because of the scenery I was driving through at the time. Not maintaining an active blog at the time it did not occur to me to log things better, some thing I should have done anyways for posterity's sake . Anyway I hope to document my past, present and future travels here, and the meaning of travel is used very generously and might indicate just the next town over.

Morning day or night nothing beats a good company in music. Traveling was my number one time and opportunity to listen to my music on those two to four hour drives . Helped me keep informed too by consuming tons of podcasts. Something I now miss given that I now work locally.